Welcome Back! PTO meeting Wed. at 7pm!
Welcome Back! PTO meeting Wed. at 7pm!
Webb PTO will have opening BOARD positions for next school year. After 4 years, Stacey Melillo is stepping down as Co-President. We are also looking for a Treasurer as Colleen
Picture retakes are tomorrow for anyone interested!!!!
INTERNET SAFETY PRESENTATION!!!! Webb Parents- Don’t forget tonight’s very informative virtual presentation with SCOTT DRISCOLL sponsored by Webb School & PTO at 6:30pm. Link and passcode provided by Mr. Craig
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83900463338?pwd=Z3doMEpoTDdPK0FFbDRaSUJMNHJOdz09 Link for tonight’s virtual paint night! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83900463338?pwd=Z3doMEpoTDdPK0FFbDRaSUJMNHJOdz09
PTO meeting for this month is cancelled! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!☘️
Last chance! Join us next Friday for Webb’s very own paint nite!
With weather like today, gotcha thinking about summer?!☀️
Sign them up for Tumble Tots where they can make new friends in a toddler safe environment! Register online through Wethersfield Parks and Recreation. Space is limited.
Your donation is critical. Help us on our mission to enhance student life at Webb Elementary. Any contribution is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible. No amount is too big or too small!