Photo Retake Day

Samuel B. Webb Elementary 51 Willow Street, Wethersfield, CT, United States

If you are dissatisfied with your portrait and would like to try again, you have the opportunity for a retake.

2019 Holiday Shop

Samuel B. Webb Elementary 51 Willow Street, Wethersfield, CT, United States

Calling all Webb Wildcat Elves! Parents, family & friends - Please join us in volunteering for one of Webb's favorite activities. The Holiday Shop! We need adults to help children […]

PJ Day for the Kids

Samuel B. Webb Elementary 51 Willow Street, Wethersfield, CT, United States

The students and staff of Webb Elementary School are invited to wear their PJ's to school in honor of kids battling cancer at Connecticut Children's.

Family Game Night

Samuel B. Webb Elementary 51 Willow Street, Wethersfield, CT, United States

Webb School Family Game Night Come play BINGO with your friends & family! Friday, January 24th at 6:30pm Tickets at the door $4 per person OR $10 per family

Puerto Vallarta Fundraiser

Puerto Vallarta - Newington 2385 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, United States

On Monday, January 27th, Puerto Vallarta will donate a portion of the day’s proceeds to the Webb School. 11:00 am to 10:30 pm. Thank you Puerto Vallarta!!!

Munson’s Chocolates Fundraiser

All forms must be returned by March 5th! Feb. 23rd- March 2nd Keep an eye out for forms in backpacks starting February 23rd, 2020. All proceeds to benefit the Webb […]

Laser Quest Night

Laser Quest 3005 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT, United States

5:00-8:00pm on Monday (2/24/20) $10/kid with max of $25/family

CANCELLED – 8th Annual Webb Parents vs Teachers Basketball Game

Silas Deane Middle School Gym 551 Silas Deane Hwy, Wethersfield, CT, United States

CANCELLED - Game time 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6pm) SILAS DEANE MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM $3 per person at the door (Maximum of $15 per family) Kindergarten Students to open […]

WEBB Multicultural Festival!

Samuel B. Webb Elementary 51 Willow Street, Wethersfield, CT, United States

Connecting Our Cultures at THE SECOND ANNUAL WEBB Multicultural Festival! THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 2020 | 6PM-8PM

Teacher Appreciation Week

Sponsored by the Webb PTO #ThankATeacher Dear Webb Families, We hope you are safe and healthy! May 4-8th is teacher appreciation week! Each year the PTO sponsors a school wide […]

Thanks to All of Our Sponsors

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Your donation is critical. Help us on our mission to enhance student life at Webb Elementary. Any contribution is greatly appreciated and fully tax deductible. No amount is too big or too small!